Woman leadership coachingWomen who invest in leadership coaching are seeing positive results in their careers. According to Forbes, leadership coaching helps women do the following:


  • Think strategically about their careers
  • Increase self-awareness
  • Manage the politics [of the workplace]
  • Work through challenging relationships
  • Create a plan for increased visibility and influence
  • Strengthen leadership skills
  • Overcome limiting beliefs and self-doubt
  • Move out of their comfort zone


Women Leadership Coaching

The sentiment that women benefit from career coaching is underscored by the fact that many companies have implemented internal leadership coaching programs for women.  For example, Deloitte pairs highly ranking executives with females identified as having leadership potential. (See here.) Deloitte actually measures the results of the coaching relationships and holds coaches accountable for their efforts.

These coaching efforts are especially important once women reach middle management ranks.  According to the Wall Street Journal, if women do not receive leadership coaching by this time in their careers, then they tend lose their ambitions for climbing to higher-level positions.  Coaching helps women navigate real and perceived barriers that seem insurmountable.

Experts also opine that women leadership coaching is different from leadership coaching for men. Women think differently, communicate differently, and negotiate differently.  Women who obtain coaching from a person who is familiar with the business world from a woman’s point of view, are more likely to have a successful coaching experience that positively impacts their career. This does not mean the coach has to be a woman, but the coach does need to be knowledgeable about the difficulties women have in advancing in the corporate world.

Contact us if you are interested in receiving leadership coaching.