Pruning_growth_sWhen a gardener prunes a tree they cut out what is undesirable such as a dead branch or unwanted growth.  At times we need to cut things out of our lives to encourage new growth. I use to hang out with this kid named Ronnie. We often got into trouble around the neighborhood. We used M-80s (a type of fireworks) to blow up gardens, trash cans and car tires. Before hanging with Ronnie, I had gained a solid reputation with the neighbors. I was known and respected for doing odd jobs and running to the corner store for the elderly folks. I didn’t realize that I was damaging my relationship with the neighbors. I recall a neighbor saying,  “Rod, whenever Ronnie is in trouble  you’re in trouble, it’s time to cut him loose.” At that point in time, as a young buck, I experienced a moment of clarity. I had to make a move and I possessed the power to take control of the situation. I had to prune the relationship with Ronnie and repair my reputation. I had to take a stand and let Ronnie know that I would only hang with him when we played football. Eventually, I regained respect with the neighbors and with Ronnie.

I think all of us are looking for new growth; however, we can’t always see what is holding us back. We really need to listen to the people who are in our lives that really care about us. What relationships do we have today that are stunting new growth? Do we have friends and colleagues that complain about another co-worker or senior management? Do you have friends or colleagues that constantly point out the negatives but never take the initiative to address the challenge? Do we go places that suck up our valuable time and steer us away from our goals? What things do we own that actually own us?

People are like dirt. They can either nourish you and help you grow as a person or they can stunt your growth and make you wilt and die.

– Plato