We don’t often realize that we are in the midst of fighting the battle before the battle really begins. I’m sitting at my desk with a number of documents opened on my laptop. I start to skim through the collection of documents that I need to digest before making recommendations and finalizing my report. If I don’t take a step back and refocus, I will find myself sifting through information that will not help me to reach my final goal. Whether my goal is to assist in a company merger, coach a difficult client or love my family, I cannot allow the size of the challenge to lull me into a state of paralysis. If I stand flat-footed I will get knocked out. The battle has already started and we have the power to become our best or worst enemy. Remember this, it is in the mind where we fight the battle before the battle. In order to win the war we need to truly recognize the importance of  being victorious in the first battle. Life is a fight and you must have a pugnacious attitude. In other words, you need to have a willing attitude to fight! Back in the day we shorten the word pugnacious to “pug“. When we get up in the morning we wake up every day to pug!

As leaders, what are we saying or what sort of indicators are we projecting in the initial meeting? Are we making statements that are killing the mission before it begins? Are we scared of the challenge? Have we been asking our team for help?

Below are some key points regarding staying strong throughout fighting the battle:

  1. Recognize it all starts with a thought,  your subconscious mind will respond to what you tell yourself. We must manage ourselves!
  2. Stick to what you believe in and don’t waver from your truths (have an attitude of pugnacity)
  3. Have the courage to move forward, systematically facing your fear will make you stronger
  4. Make commitments, make your word your bond
  5. Be a change agent for yourself, think positive thoughts
  6. Challenge the nay sayers, acquire facts
  7. Coach your team, some say leadership is caught more than taught

Are you fighting the battle before the battle?
Are you ready to pug?
Are you winning?

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.
– Sun Tzu