Building CommunitiesLeaders have a knack for building communities of leaders.
I was recently invited to attend a networking lunch meeting. The meeting facilitator was a young energetic guy  who takes pride in researching ways to improve his skills as a leader. The meeting was held at a convenient location and we had a great conversation regarding the possibilities of helping each other.  Meetings for building communities may occur from time to time but not as often as they should. At times we behave as water, taking the path of least resistance. For example, we would rather send a text or email to connect with people as opposed to meeting in person. We will choose to use Skype to set up a meeting even though our colleague’s office is only a few miles away. Obviously, these tools are invaluable if we’re not able to meet in person or if time is an issue. However, a face to face meeting is like a Porsche… there is no substitute. Have you ever attended a meeting that you thought would be a waste of time but at the end it was a blessing? Think about taking the time to meet people in person and consider using technology for future meetings.

  • Technology can’t replace the special vibe of human interaction
  • Leaders that have an interest in building communities have the ability to inspire others by providing an engaging upbeat atmosphere
  • When other leaders are exposed to meetings about building communities the momentum is often carried to their circles of influence
  • Building communities may broaden your inner circle
  • Sites such as, and make it easier to build communities

Think about the leaders that you engage with over the course of a month. Are there opportunities for you to take the initiative to start a group that share the same interests? Is there a chance for you to inspire a group of like-minded individuals that have an interest in building communities?

“A community is like a ship; everyone ought to be prepare to take the helm”

– Henrik Ibsen