LeadershipLeadership development is essential to your success. For your business to grow beyond your personal limits, you must have others willing to step up, embrace the dream, and start carrying it into the future. Knowing and sharing the answers to the questions below could be the key to unimaginable success, for you and your employees.

What is the dream?

First and foremost, every single employee should know exactly what got you started, where did you get your inspiration to start this business. They need to know where you see the business going, and growing. Knowing this information gives your employees the view into the future that they need in order to be invested in the dream themselves.


Why are you here?

As an employer, you should know and accept the answer to the question “Why are you here?” In regards to every employee. It helps you identify the possible leaders in your midst while also providing you with information on where to invest your time and resources in team development. Some people are just there for a paycheck, and that is fine, every company large or small requires worker bees, but they are not the leaders you need, and your leadership efforts are better spent on those that want more to do-and-be more. But don’t overlook those worker bees, they may not be leaders, but they are essential to the success of both you and your leaders.

What’s in it for me?

Every single employee must understand what they are working for, beyond their paychecks, and on a personal level. Your employees really don’t care if your profits go up by a certain percentage, unless reaching that goal does something for them. Large or small, there must be a reward for achieving the goal, and your leaders will emerge in order to get the reward.

How can I help?

This one, you need to ask AND answer.

Your employees need clear goals, with lots of steps that need to be achieved in order to reach those goals. Breaking down the goals allows every employee to find some part they can play in your big dream. Watch carefully while this happens, your leaders will present themselves to you quite clearly, not only by stepping up to take on the biggest tasks but also by being an ever-present encouragement to the rest of your employees.

Asking your employees how you can help them will accomplish something for you that no reward, raise, or benefit ever could. By being interested, really listening, and doing whatever you can to alleviate your employees concerns and worries, you give them an environment they may never find again in the workplace. That kind of genuine respect leads others to immediately step up and do more, even your worker bees will look for new ways to be of use supporting and furthering your dream.

Contact us to further your business with a broad range of services and workshops tailored to success in your field.