Executive and Leadership Coaching footballImagine your team is running out of time. They are trying to overcome all the obstacles in the field while also trying to stay organized and run the plays efficiently. They are looking to you for guidance, motivation, organization, where to run, how to move, and which play to run while you’re trying to figure out what the other side will do all at the same time. In short, they’re looking to you to lead.

This story doesn’t end in a touchdown or an interception because you’re not playing football. You’re in the business world, and this is about you leading your employees to not only a final dollar, but towards completing your company vision, your goals as a team, and sending them home each night not only with a good paycheck but as fulfilled team members who feel important and needed. This is why executive and leadership coaching matters.

Executive and leadership coaching

Good quarterbacks are there because of their skill set, but great quarterbacks are great because they have certain intangibles that make them distinct from others and make other players want to follow them. Interestingly enough, this is what also separates good executives from great executives. The difference between an employee showing up to work everyday versus an employee who can’t wait to work is often found in their boss, their leader. A leader who can inspire their employee to strive to do their best, who can motivate to go the extra mile, who can connect on more than just a professional basis- that’s who many employees are wishing they worked for. The question we must ask is “Is that me?” If that answer is no, than how could it be?

The thing about intangibles of leadership is that many of us have them within us; we may not either know it, pay attention, or realize we need to develop them. In order to develop a skill beyond natural ability quarterbacks need their coaches in order to become truly great. A coach can often see mechanics that the player can’t, as well as see the impact of not only their game but how it affects other players. Being slightly outside the game enables them to see a bigger picture that someone in the middle of the game can’t see. The same applies with leadership coaching, but the impact is so much more important than a game.

When a boss becomes a true leader it can completely change their employee’s attitudes about their work, their value, their importance, and can inspire so much more than good business. Perhaps more importantly, it can inspire a group of people to become a true team striving together towards the common goal. What’s stopping you from becoming the greatest leader you can be?

Please contact us today to find the leader within you and turn your business into a team!

“Individual commitment to a group effort-that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” – Vince Lombardi