Business_Impact_mImpact leaders have the ability to amp up their teams by creating an environment of camaraderie and oneness. In sports, many locker rooms have an object, an image, or a phrase that they touch, see or read before a game. The coaches are attempting to place the players in a certain mindset before playing the game. The leaders want to inject a psychological boost of adrenaline to provide an edge that magnifies the vision and elevates the level of intensity. Most of us have witnessed this scenario in a movie or at a game. The coach has just delivered his final encouraging words to the team and they are hyped. “This is our house!,” shouts the coach. The coach leads the team out of the locker room followed by the captains and the rest of the team. As they go to battle, everyone touches the object, points to the image or repeats a phase. The unit is in a mental cadence, they are in sync, ready to engage and go to battle. As impact leaders, what can we share today that will create a bond within the team to drive them to do their best? Maybe you are an introvert and getting hyped up is not in you. Are you secure enough to allow another leader to amp up the team? If so, you’ve just decided to be an impact leader! Maybe you get bold and step out of your comfort zone to allow your team to see you in a different but positive light! Come on! Game on baby! What are you going to do? Be an impact leader!

“Physical strength can never permanently withstand the impact of spiritual force.”    – Franklin D. Roosevelt