Monthly Archives: October 2013

Familiar Wisdom Is Often Ignored

By |October 28th, 2013|

Teamwork_sFamiliar wisdom is often ignored. My son plays Pop Warner football and he is a running back. I recall being at a game where I noticed that he was not using his straight-arm to avoid being tackled. His actions resulted in not performing at his full […]

Do You Have a Job, Career or Calling?

By |October 21st, 2013|

Long_road_callingDo you have a job, career or calling? A job pays the bills. Having a career means you will spend a significant amount of time of your life working in an area the will present opportunities for growth. But a calling is much deeper.  A calling […]

Positive Patterns of Thinking

By |October 3rd, 2013|

Positive_Thinking_sWhatever challenges we have today can be conquered with positive patterns of thinking. If we observe the best athletes, skilled workers, and planners we recognize that they possess certain thought processes when dealing with a challenge. Regardless if they are attempting to make a foul shot […]

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